How to Clean Phone?

How to Clean Phone

It is important to clean phone on a regular basis since a high amount of dirt, moisture, minerals, and other residue particles may start to get deposit on the surface of the phone. These dirt particles may also creep inside the mobile case and affect the performance of the device. Germs may also start to accumulate on the surface of the phone due to coming in contact with hands and external atmosphere, which can be a source of health hazards for the user. It is, therefore, important to clean phone using standard mobile cleaning methods so that not only the outlook of the mobile phone remains perfect but its performance is also improved. In this article, we will explain a process using which the readers can clean phone on their own in a quick time.

General cleaning of mobile phone using a cotton swab

The general cleaning of mobile phone can be carried out with the help of a cotton swab, which can help remove dirt and other residue particles from the surface of the mobile phone in an effective manner. The steps involved in the process to clean mobile phone with the help of a cotton swab are as below:

  1. In the first step, it is important to turn the mobile off and remove the power supply.
  2. Now take a cotton swab and start rubbing different portions of the mobile phone so that dirt and stains may start to come off. Make sure to only rub gently since performing the process in a rough manner can damage the surface of the mobile phone.
  3. Take the cover off and remove the battery if possible.
  4. Clean the inside portion of the mobile phone with the help of the cotton swabs so that the particles stuck there also gets removed.

General cleaning a mobile phone using a blower

This screen and body of the mobile phone can be sophisticated and it is not always advisable to use a cotton swab or a cleaning cloth in order to perform the cleaning process. Therefore, a blower can be used in order to clean phone in an effective manner. The steps involved to clean phone with the help of a blower are as follows:


  1. If the mobile is plugged to a source, then unplug the mobile phone and remove the power supply.
  2. Power off the mobile phone. Remove all those parts of the mobile phone, which can be easily removed.
  3. Now, blow air on different parts of the mobile phone with the help of a blower so that dirt and residue particles start to disappear.
  4. Blow air in the corners where dirt particles usually accumulate.
  5. Blow air in the interior portion of the mobile so that the dust particles accumulated there also gets removed.